Senin, 07 November 2016


Name                       : Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie 
Born                         : 25 June 1936, Parepare, Sulawesi Selatan
Education                : Institut Teknologi Bandung, RWTH Aachen University, University of Indonesia
Previous Offices      : President of Indonesia (1998–1999), Vice President of Indonesia (1998–1998)
Spouse                     : Hasri Ainun Habibie(1962-2010)
Children                   : Ilham Akbar, Thareq Kemal
Religion                   : Islam

B.J. Habibie, in full Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (born June 25, 1936, Parepare, Indonesia) Indonesian aircraft engineer and politician who was president of Indonesia (1998–99) and a leader in the country’s technological and economic development in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Brilliant in science and mathematics from childhood, Habibie received his postsecondary education at the Bandung Institute of Technology in Bandung, Indonesia, and furthered his studies at the Institute of Technology of North Rhine–Westphalia in Aachen, West Germany. After graduating in 1960, he remained in West Germany as an aeronautics researcher and production supervisor
Suharto took power as Indonesia’s second president in 1966, and in 1974 he asked Habibie—whom he had known for 25 years—to return to the country to help build advanced industries. Suharto assured him that he could do whatever was needed to accomplish that goal. Initially assigned to the state oil company, Pertamina, Habibie became a government adviser and chief of a new aerospace company in 1976. Two years later he became research minister and head of the Agency for Technology Evaluation and Application. In these roles he oversaw a number of ventures involving the production and transportation of heavy machinery, steel, electronics and telecommunications equipment, and arms and ammunition.

Habibie believed his enterprises ultimately would spawn high-tech ventures in the private sector and allow the country to climb the technology ladder. In 1993 he unveiled the first Indonesian-

Selasa, 01 November 2016


        He great Italian pine forest, was lonely. He always dreamed about having a son. Each day, he went cutting woods for the town’s people. One day, an idea illuminated his mind, the idea of crafting a puppet, which he will call it Pinocchio. He crafted that puppet and during the night, the puppet becomes alive!
One year of happiness and thriller passed, on a Sunday morning, Gepetto told Pinocchio:
"It’s my birthday soon, my little son! I hope you didn’t forget it!"."Euh, sure, I didn’t!". Pinocchio felt awkward. He didn’t thought about that. Gepetto’s birthday was coming in only three days, and he hadn’t even a present.
After a long night of reflecting, Pinocchio finally decided to offer a homemade chocolate cake to him as a present. When the sun rose, Pinocchio was already ready to go outside to find the ingredients. The main problem was he didn’t even known the ingredients and the recipe.
So after school, he decided to go ask someone for the ingredients to bake a cake. During his walk, Pinocchio, the wooden puppet, met the town’s sorcerer.
"Hey, little boy, do you need some help for your chocolate cake?"
"Hum… You can help me?", asked Pinocchio.
"Sure, I can. Follow me!"
After walking few minutes so, Pinocchio saw a big, big, big candy house. They entered together and Pinocchio got caught by a big cage. "Mouahahaha!!! I finally caught you! You’ll be mine, you’re going to work for me!", said the evil sorcerer. Pinocchio was so scared. When the guards came and took him out of the cage, he immediately ran away very fast and he succeeded to escape.
           At the same time, the evil sorcerer, calling all his troops with him, ran after him and he took out his magic wand. The evil devil changed the little wooden puppet into a chocolate cake!When he came back home, he told the entire story to his father and they went to find the god fairy.After a long trip, they finally find the god fairy and they got the magical potion for Pinocchio.


           1.      Why old men crafting a pupet?
a.       Hobby
b.      Just for fun
c.       Just for sale
d.      He want a son
e.   Just for collected
           2.      How pinocchio expression when his father asked about his birthday?
a.       Awkward
b.      Angry
c.       Happy
d.      Scared
e.   Sad
           3.      What he made for his present to his father birthday?
a.       Made pupet
b.      Chocolat cake
c.       Party
d.      No give
e.   Cheese cake
           4.      Who was the main character?
a.       Cat
b.   Fish
c.      Fairy
d.       Gapetto
e.      Pinocchio
           5.      What the main idea of paragraph six?
a.       After a long trip, they finally find a god fairy and they got a magical potion for pinocchio
b.      At the same time, the evil sorcerer, calling all his troops with him, ran after him and he took out his magic wand.
c.       The evil devil changed the little wooden puppet into a chocolate cake!When he came back home, he told the entire story to his father and they went to find the god fairy.
d.      When the guards came and took him out of the cage, he immediately ran away very fast and he succeeded to escape.
e.    After a long night of reflecting, Pinocchio finally decided to offer a homemade chocolate cake to him as a present.

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2016

Unforgettable Moments

            My unforgettable moment is when I and my family go umrah. One day I and my family packing for umrah. And preparing items to be brougth to there. Before we go to yhe airport we should salat for umrah I forget that name. We go to the airport at 04.00.
          When we arrive at airport we checked by the commitee umrah. Then we fly to Madinnah. When we arrived in Madinnah we go to the mosque. And we go to palm plantation and then go to uhud mountain.
        We arrive at hotel at 17.00 we prepair and lunch. Then we go to Nabawi mosque we salat maghrib and we wait there for salat isya. And  tomorrow we go to museum asmaul husna, sur cave, and others.
           And 4 days later we go to Macca when we arrive at hotel we lunch and prepair and we go to masjidil harram for tawaf and run from bukit safa to bukit marwah. After run men should cut they’r heir, to remove they sins.
           Tomorrow we go to jabal rahmah, lempar jumrah and we trought the mina tunnel. In there so many tent stood there, usability tents for the pilgrims spend the night there. At there we so happy. And  we wont go there again. Thanks Allah we've been there.

Selasa, 27 September 2016

Green Lake Austria

      Green Lake is a lake in Styria,Austria in a village named Tragöß. The lake is surrounded by the Hochschwab Mountainsand forests. The name "Green Lake" originated because of its emerald-green water. The clean and clear water comes from the snowmelt from the karst mountains and has a temperature of 6–7 °C (43–45 °F). During winter, the lake is only 1–2 m (3–7 ft) deep and the surrounding area is used as a county park.
      However, in spring, when the temperature rises and snow melts, the basin of land below the mountains fills with water. The lake reaches its maximum depth of around 12 m (39 ft) from mid-May to June and is claimed to look the most beautiful at this time. In July, the water begins to recede.
      The lake supports a variety of fauna such as snails, water fleas (Daphnia pulex), small crabs, fly larvae, and different species of trout(Salmo). The flora is not abundant because of the rocky bottom of the lake. Furthermore, the lake’s depth is variable since its inflow comes from snowmelt.
      The lake was popular among divers who could observe the green meadows in the edge zone of the lake particularly in June when the water is at its highest. A bridge and a bench could also be found underwater. Furthermore, trails and trees could also be seen underwater.
      Because of the spike in tourist visits that has occurred and expected damage of this sensitive environment, the use of this lake for all watersports activities has been prohibited since 1 January 2016.

Selasa, 20 September 2016

My Bad Day

           At the time the event took place Megantara I can not participate, because I’m sick. I am sick since Friday. Since Thursday I’ve been feeling dizzy head. And I told to my sister that I would go to a doctor tomorrow.

            And the next day early in the morning my sister and I go to a dactor to check up on me. Then my sister asked to dactor to give a letter to take to school. And my parents told to me by phone to come home. Then the next day I just rest, pray, and learn.

My Introduction

           Hello now I will introduce myself. My name Abdul Aziz, you can called me aziz. Now  I 15 years old. Now I live in Bandung, I used to live in Purwakarata. Because now I student of SMAN 3 Bandung.
            I have 3 sisters, my first sister noe studying in MBA ITB, my second sister studying in MBA ITB too, and my third sister studying in civil engineering ITB. So we are now live in Bandung. I love to stay in Bandung very much.             

I school in SMAN 3 Bandung because I want new friends, new atmosphere, and new learning. My sister also had school in Bandung. Now my sister was already studying at ITB. So I want to be like my sister.

Tsunami Aceh

The sudden vertical rise of the seabed by several metres during the earthquake displaced massive volumes of water, resulting in a tsunami that struck the coasts of the Indian Ocean. A tsunami that causes damage far away from its source is sometimes called ateletsunami and is much more likely to be produced by vertical motion of the seabed than by horizontal motion.
The tsunami, like all others, behaved very differently in deep water than in shallow water. In deep ocean water, tsunami waves form only a small hump, barely noticeable and harmless, which generally travels at a very high speed of 500 to 1,000 km/h (310 to 620 mph); in shallow water near coastlines, a tsunami slows down to only tens of kilometres per hour but, in doing so, forms large destructive waves. Scientists investigating the damage in Aceh found evidence that the wave reached a height of 24 metres (80 ft) when coming ashore along large stretches of the coastline, rising to 30 metres (100 ft) in some areas when traveling inland.
Radar satellites recorded the heights of tsunami waves in deep water: at two hours after the earthquake, the maximum height was 60 centimetres (2 ft). These are the first such observations ever made. Unfortunately these observations could not be used to provide a warning, since the satellites were not built for that purpose and the data took hours to analyze.
According to Tad Murty, vice-president of the Tsunami Society, the total energy of the tsunami waves was equivalent to about fivemegatons of TNT (20 petajoules). This is more than twice the total explosive energy used during all of World War II (including the twoatomic bombs) but still a couple of orders of magnitude less than the energy released in the earthquake itself. In many places the waves reached as far as 2 km (1.2 mi) inland.
Because the 1,600 km (1,000 mi) fault affected by the earthquake was in a nearly north-south orientation, the greatest strength of the tsunami waves was in an east-west direction. Bangladesh, which lies at the northern end of the Bay of Bengal, had very few casualties despite being a low-lying country relatively near the epicenter. It also benefited from the fact that the earthquake proceeded more slowly in the northern rupture zone, greatly reducing the energy of the water displacements in that region.
Coasts that have a landmass between them and the tsunami's location of origin are usually safe; however, tsunami waves can sometimes diffract around such landmasses. Thus, the state of Kerala was hit by the tsunami despite being on the western coast of India, and the western coast of Sri Lanka suffered substantial impacts. Distance alone was no guarantee of safety, as Somalia was hit harder than Bangladesh despite being much farther away.
Because of the distances involved, the tsunami took anywhere from fifteen minutes to seven hours to reach the coastlines. The northern regions of the Indonesian island of Sumatra were hit very quickly, while Sri Lanka and the east coast of India were hit roughly 90 minutes to two hours later. Thailand was struck about two hours later despite being closer to the epicentre, because the tsunami traveled more slowly in the shallow Andaman Sea off its western coast.

The tsunami was noticed as far as Struisbaai in South Africa, some 8,500 km (5,300 mi) away, where a 1.5 m (5 ft) high tide surged on shore about 16 hours after the earthquake. It took a relatively long time to reach this spot at the southernmost point of Africa, probably because of the broad continental shelf off South Africa and because the tsunami would have followed the South African coast from east to west. The tsunami also reached Antarctica, where tidal gauges at Japan's Showa Base recorded oscillations of up to a metre (3 ft 3 in), with disturbances lasting a couple of days.Some of the tsunami's energy escaped into the Pacific Ocean, where it produced small but measurable tsunamis along the western coasts of North and South America, typically around 20 to 40 cm (7.9 to 15.7 in). At Manzanillo, Mexico, a 2.6 m (8 ft 6 in) crest-to-trough tsunami was measured. As well, the tsunami was large enough to be detected in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. This puzzled many scientists, as the tsunamis measured in some parts of South America were larger than those measured in some parts of the Indian Ocean. It has been theorized that the tsunamis were focused and directed at long ranges by the mid-ocean ridges which run along the margins of the continental plates.